Dhammadayad Ordination // August 15-20, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya Taipei
From August 15-20, 2016, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Taipei organized the Dhammadayad Ordination and Meditation for locals.
The 11th Yuwa Camp of Taiwan (Chinese course)
From July 15-17, 2016, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Taipei organized the 11th Yuwa Camp (Chinese course) for 3 days and 2 nights where 10 kids ages 4 to 14 years old participated in.
Meditation Class for Locals // August 27, 2016—Dhammakaya Meditaion Center, D.C.
On Saturday August 27, 2016, the Dhammakaya Meditation Center, D.C. organized an English meditation class.
Boy Scout Visit // July 21, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester, England
On July 21, 2016, 20 boy scouts from the 3rd Reddish Scout came to Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester, England, to learn about Buddhism and Ven.Dr. Nicholas Dhanissaro was the monk that explained to the scouts the many things about Buddhism, pracitces, and meditation.
Candle Lighting for World Peace // August 23, 2016 - DIMC New Jersey, USA
The Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of New Jersey (D.I.M.C.N.J) arranged the Candle Lighting for World Peace Event at Dhammakaya Meditation Garden on August 23, 2016 in honor of the World Meditation Day.
ขอเชิญร่วมงานแสงแห่งสันติภาพโลกหรือ World Peace Light ครั้งที่ 3
ขอเชิญทุกท่านมาร่วมงานแสงแห่งสันติภาพโลกหรือ World Peace Light ครั้งที่3 ในวันเสาร์ที่ 16 เมษายน 2559 เวลา 17.15- 18.45 น. จัดขึ้นที่สวนเบญจสิริ ถ.สุขุมวิท จ. กรุงเทพฯ
Weekend Meditation // August 12-14, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya Gunma
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Gunma, Japan, arranged the Weekend Meditation for Locals during August 12 – 14, 2016 (3 days & 2 nights) where there were 8 meditation sessions.
Potential Development and Meditation Program // July 16-19, 2016 - Gunma, Japan
The Potential Development and Meditation Program took place from July 16-18, 2016 at the Japanese Meditation Village, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Gunma, Japan.
Magha Puja Day 2016, February 22nd, Offering Lights to Brighten Your Life
Magha Puja Day is one of the most important Buddhist holy days in Thailand. Each of the 30,000 Buddhist temples across the nation holds its own ceremony to mark the occasion. The ceremony at Wat Phra Dhammakaya is one of the largest held in Thailand.
Youth Camp // June 12-15, 2016 - DIMC, California
From June 12-15, 2016, DIMC, California organized a Youth Camp for kids to come learn and practice many things in regards to the Buddhist culture and meditation.